
Our Services

Rotating Machines like High Voltage Generators

Service & Maintenance

Hydro Power Plant Generators Rewinding, Stator Core Building, Rotor pole Repairs, Stator coil Manufacturing. Partial repairs etc..​​

System Replacement

Gas Turbine/Steam Turbine Generators Rewinding, Stator Core Building, Rotor pole Repairs, Stator coil Manufacturing. partial repairs etc

Motor Overhauling

Induction Motor Overhauling, Rewinding, Partial repairs.​​​

Heat exchangers/Coolers maintenance

Heat exchangers/Coolers maintenance and hydro-pressure tests..​​​

Synchronous Motor Trouble shooting

Synchronous Motor Trouble shooting, Rewinding, Partial repairs, Rotating Rectifier,
Thyristors, Control Pulse Unit (CPU) replacement and trouble shooting.

Serving In The Industry For Past 8 Years

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